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Weigh to go Kids!!

Posted by veronicaleigheu in 9th Jun 2010 Tagged in , ,

This word health is very meaningful: it means wholeness, it means holiness, it means a deep healing in the self.  The NHS want to help children and youngsters get rid of their obesity; re-educate them in their eating habits, I believe this attitude is totally negative. They are once again being forced to become normal again, to become a part of the normal world again. They are maladjusted; they need adjustment and the psychiatrists/coaches/counsellors/NHS helps them to be adjusted again. But adjusted to whom? Adjusted to this world, this society, which is absolutely sick. People do not want to be disturbed; their effort is only for adjustment, not for health. Hopefully everybody knows that after laughter, good laughter, a belly full of laughing, you almost feel that you have taken an ice-cold shower; a peacefulness, a silence, a freshness to life comes about… The same is true about crying, but very few people know the secret of crying because it is more repressed than laughter. Laughter is such a healthy exercise. When somebody is laughing — that’s perfectly good exercise. This word health is very meaningful: it means wholeness, it means holiness, it means a deep healing in the self. Therefore encourage health in its truest form not re-education of the surface façade!!