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Horse-Human Experience

Experience Transformation. Live Empowered.

At MawdsLeigh, we offer a one-of-a-kind experience that goes beyond traditional methods of emotional intelligence. Our unique approach brings horses and humans together in a space of emotional intelligence, allowing for authentic connections and profound insights. Individuals and teams might choose a horse-based experience for many reasons including leadership development; team building; developing communication or problem solving skills; personal growth; stress reduction and wellbeing.

The Power of Horses at Liberty.  

Our program is centred around allowing horses to be at liberty – free to express themselves and interact with humans in an unbridled, natural manner. This creates a powerful dynamic where the horse becomes a mirror, reflecting the authentic essence of those involved. Interacting with horses in a natural environment can reduce stress and promote a sense of wellbeing.

Leading a horse at liberty requires clear and assertive communication. Individuals develop leadership skills in a non-traditional setting.

Liberating True Authenticity.

In the presence of at liberty horses, there is no room for pretence or hiding. The horses are intuitive beings, keenly attuned to emotions and energies. They respond authentically to the feelings and intentions of those around them, providing a genuine reflection of the participant’s emotional state. This offers an opportunity to develop communication skills and emotional intelligence.

Horses are highly sensitive to non-verbal cues, they provide immediate feedback, which means assertiveness and adaptability are crucial. Interacting with them has a direct impact on communication development. These transferrable skills can improve team dynamics.

More about the experience

  • No Hiding, All Authentic:

When horses are at liberty they create an environment where individuals can be their true selves without fear of judgment. This authenticity forms the foundation for meaningful relationships. Understanding the needs and reactions of horses enhances empathy, which can benefit any workplace relationship.

  • Profound Insights:

The horse’s reactions serve as a mirror, revealing aspects of the emotional landscape that may be hidden or overlooked. This leads to profound insights and a deeper understanding of oneself. Individuals gain insights into their behaviour, promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

  • Unforgettable Connections:

Individuals often form powerful connections with the horses, forging bonds based on mutual respect and understanding. These connections can be transformative and have a lasting impact on personal growth. Working with horses requires trust.

Experiences in a team setting means learning to trust each other. By creating stronger bonds, it naturally leads to more collaborative activities. Horses present challenges that require creative solutions. Participants develop problem-solving skills in a unique context. A team building experience with horses emphasises the importance of each team member’s contribution.

How it works

  • Introduction: an introduction to the concept of at liberty interaction and the unique dynamics it creates between humans and horses.
  • Guided Exercises: MawdsLeigh guide individuals or teams through exercises that encourage leadership, connection, communication, and understanding with the horses.
  • Reflective Debrief: after the interaction, there is a reflective debrief session where individuals can share their experiences and insights, creating an environment where everyone is encouraged to share and communicate openly.
  • Our Commitment: at MawdsLeigh, we are committed to providing a safe and enriching experience for both humans and horses. MawdsLeigh are experienced in creating a space where personal growth and emotional intelligence flourish.

Join us for a unique learning experience. Our approach translates to improved leadership; enhanced employee wellbeing and an emotionally intelligent team that positively influence performance and productivity.

Choose MawdsLeigh for personal and professional development. Combining emotional intelligence whilst interacting with horses creates a memorable experience that participants are likely to apply in various aspects of their lives. It develops key skills that are directly transferable to the workplace and beyond.