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Taxmen Hate Their Government Jobs

Posted by veronicaleigheu in 11th Mar 2010 Tagged in , ,

A survey has revealed that taxmen are the most miserable workers in the country. Senior MPs say Revenue and Customs staff face “burnout” through the stress of dealing with the recession. The results of the staff survey were “dire” and describes morale as “fragile” – Sub Committee Chairman Michael Fallon says “we are alarmed by the low morale and its effect on performance.”

Firstly what recession? HELP THE TAXMEN This is definitely a mindset. I have written to Michael Fallon offering my services.  You only need to make a few small changes in a very positive direction to change the whole environment.

I lived in a recession for over 20 years in my own little head. However being educated in self-development, I haven’t been back their for the last 13 years. No matter how “dire” the situation there are always positive solutions for every circumstance.

PS. If the survey next year reports “Happy, Stressless Taxmen” you’ll know I have got the contract!