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Posted by veronicaleigheu in 6th Aug 2010 Tagged in , , ,

Fear is the shadow of ‘I’, and because the ‘I’ is always attentive somewhere deep down that “I will have to disappear in death”…. The basic fear is of death and all other fears only reflect the basic one. And the beauty in this, death is as nonexistent as the ego.  The way out of illusion does not exist, because the way out of illusion will be another illusion. The simple answer is to wake up!!!!!

Nothing will happen to you when you are just reading books or wishing you could do something. People and their learning abilities are different. This is why not everyone will complete a whole curriculum. Some people just give up. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn’t cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older. It is all part of the adventures of goodness.

‘Practice’ is the same word as ‘remember’. It is said that when you practice a form a thousand times, its principles will appear. The human race has learned to use hardly 10% of their brain capacity and that quite awkwardly at that, most of the time.

I watch in despondency regularly. For example these last few weeks I have experienced workmen damaging goods, leaving unprofessional workmanship, belittling and blaming each other and all of them trying to get out of something that is right in front of them WOW!!! The conclusion, the main contractor is now seeking legal advice!!!  Fear can destroy your whole life as I watch these grown men make decisions out of confusion they just create more and more conflict within themselves.

The young child is free of fear; children are born without any fear. If society could help and support them to remain without fear, help them to climb the trees and the mountains, and swim the oceans and the rivers, if society can help them in every possible way to become adventurers, adventurers of the unknown, and if society can create a great investigation skill instead of giving them dead beliefs, then the children will turn into great lovers, lovers of life instead of irresponsible pitiful and boneless self-delusionists.