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Holiday Season

Posted by veronicaleigheu in 30th Mar 2010 Tagged in , ,

Q: The holiday season is now coming up and, as a single person, I have issues with holidays.  This year I want to arrange a holiday that is special and relaxing, probably going alone but not really liking the idea of a holiday alone. What would your advice be about creating a holiday that nurtures me and flows easily?  I usually go on holiday with friends but the last one was, I found, quite stressful and I feel that now it’s time to branch out alone, although I feel apprehensive about this.

A: Most people are apprehensive about embracing the new, this is because it can be a very liberating experience if we allow it to be. There are so many ventures out there I would suggest that you narrow things down by defining what nurturing and flows easily means to you, research these areas, ask for testimonials, this helps you communicate with others to help you find the best possible holiday for you. You can go anywhere in world, there will always lessons to be learned and when they are learned these experience’s bring tremendous growth.

Any comments or suggestions from anyone are welcome.