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Blair Castle International Horse Trials

Posted by veronicaleigheu in 1st Sep 2010 Tagged in , ,

I was at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials at the weekend, for me it was like being in heaven. I was with my daughter and our 2 gorgeous dogs. I am both working in and studying the horse world. The horses are awesome. The riders a very different story, they try to control the horse it looks a very painful place to be. One of my biggest breakthroughs in natural horsemanship is that the horse can only respond to what is being communicated to it. It can pick up every tension every fear.

I was recently on a 10 yr old Mare Ster Friesian she was absolutely from another world, she was a dressage horse, I gave her a signal that I was unaware of and WOW she was off in her conditioned state what a lesson I learned that day, I learned how I took my focus away for a split second the result total chaos, what I found most fascinating that after jumping off and nearly killing myself, the owner could not believe that I instantly knew it was 100% me and that it had nothing to do with horse, in all her years in the Equestrian world no one had ever taken ownership of this, how could it possible be the horse they are one of the most intelligent animals on earth.

You can access a wealth of information from them way beyond any personal experience especially when you are aware.  I love watching playing and riding horses they are more fascinating and interesting than any human and they want nothing from you except integrity and clear communication.  Most of my life I had a mind that I had trained in a very limited capacity, I had no awareness. In the world of the equus something indescribable shifts inside me the minute I am near one of these most powerful of beings the horse I somehow can access my most innovative states of mind whenever I am around them. WOW!!!